Diabetes can be a difficult ailment to deal with. However, with
proper control, its symptoms can be prevented from surfacing. Here are
some steps, to keep you from contracting diabetes.
1. Weight Management
Taking control of your weight is the
first step in warding off chances of developing diabetes. A controlled
weight not only helps to keep blood-sugar levels in check, but also
maintains overall well-being.
2. Exercise
Proper exercise is the key element in
maintaining optimum health. Studies have shown that exercise improves
the blood flow and clears sugar levels in the blood. This results in
higher metabolism and lower risks of diabetes.
3. Avoid Trans-Fats
Trans-fats lower the body’s capability
to absorb protein, withholding insulin secretion in the body. This marks
an increase in the blood-sugar levels. Avoiding trans-fat containing
processed foods will help keep risks of diabetes, at bay.
4. No Sugar
Moderate consumption of sugar will keep
blood-sugar levels in check. However, rampant consumption of unnaturally
sweetened processed foods will inhibit insulin production and result in
the onset of diabetes. Thus, avoiding sugar wholly will be the best
approach in the prevention of diabetes.
5. No Refined Carbohydrates
Avoid white rice, pasta, popcorn,
rice-puffs and white flour, if you wish to control your blood-sugar
levels. During diabetes, the body loses its ability to assimilate
complex carbohydrates, causing a rampant sugar deposition in blood as
sugar. Avoiding the above-mentioned complex carbohydrates will ensure
that your insulin production stays unaffected.
6. Fibre
A fibre-rich diet is highly conducive to
controlling blood-sugar levels. The absorbed fibre tends to absorb the
sugar in the blood and facilitate insulin secretion to normalize
diabetes. Consuming whole-wheat and multi-grain products will load up
the body with fibre.
7. No Smoking
Smoking increases chances of contracting
diabetes, since it begins to affect cardiovascular health and hormonal
secretions in the long run. Carbon deposition in the blood results in
inhibited absorption of assimilated nutrients. Giving up your smoking
habit will, thus, boost your health and keep diabetes away.
8. Fresh Fruits
Natural fruit sugars are the best
options, as dietary supplements, since they provide all the necessary
vitamins and minerals required. Studies have shown that an adequate
intake of Vitamin A and C maintains blood and bone health. Include fresh
citrus fruits like oranges, apples, pineapples, grapes and lemons in
your diet. Consume bananas in moderation, since their sugar structure is
more complex than that of citrus fruits.
9. Fresh Vegetables
Fresh vegetables are rich sources of
iron, zinc, potassium, calcium and other essential nutrients. These
nutrients restore the balance and aid in overall cardiovascular and
nervous health. This prompts the body to assimilate proteins and produce
insulin in an optimum level.
10. Green Tea
Green tea is nothing less than a miracle
cure for ailments. Consuming a cup of unsweetened green tea regularly
will rid the body of free radicals and let the antioxidants, contained
within, normalize the blood sugar levels. This will aid in reducing
diabetes and help keep the chances at bay.
11. Coffee
Although caffeine has been known to
increase chances of cardiovascular ailments, a moderate consumption
tends to curb the increase of blood sugar levels. Caffeine has been
known to suppress hunger pangs, which in the long run can curb an unruly
sweet-tooth syndrome, from loading up the body with unnecessary
12. Small, Frequent Meals
High metabolic rates are highly
conducive in maintaining blood-sugar levels and nothing keeps metabolism
more fired up than consuming small portions, frequently. Studies have
shown that frequent meals result in greater absorption of nutrients and
lesser deposition of fat. Without fat deposition, the insulin secretion
is normalized.
13. Cardiovascular Health
With an onset of diabetes,
cardiovascular health is the first aspect to be affected. Without proper
care, diabetic patients develop heart ailments within a short span of
time. In order to keep their diabetes in check, they need to monitor
their cholesterol levels closely. Through proper medication, diet and
rigorous exercise, one can keep their heart healthy.
14. Avoid Red Meat
When consumed in excess, the
polyphenols in red meat tend to raise blood cholesterol levels. Red
meats, due to their complicated protein structures are digested much
slowly. Thus, consuming red meat tends to bring down the metabolic rate
and hinder insulin secretion.
15. Cinnamon Powder
Powdered cinnamon, apart from spicing up
your foods, has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, as well. Take a
pinch of cinnamon with warm water every day and kiss diabetes goodbye.
16. Stress Management
Oxytocin and serotonin are responsible
for keeping the nerves functioning on optimum levels. The release of
adrenaline under great stress, on the other hand, tends to disrupt
insulin secretions. Doing away with stress is, therefore, the most
potent way of minimizing the harmful effects of high-blood sugar.
17. High Protein Diet
A diet high in protein is extremely
conducive in maintaining energy levels in the body, since people with
risks of diabetes are recommended to stay off diets with complex
carbohydrates and high fat content. Not only does it aid in normalizing
the wear-and-tear of the body, but also maintains a high metabolic rate.
18. Avoid Fast Foods
When it comes to epitomizing bad health,
fast foods grace the very top of the pyramid. Not only are they replete
in excessive salt, processed sugars and complex carbohydrates but are
also steeped in unhealthy oils containing trans-fats. In order to
maintain healthy blood-sugar levels, cutting down on fast-foods is a
19. Regular Blood-Sugar Checks
Keeping tab on your blood sugar
levels is an excellent way to monitor your chances of contracting
diabetes. Buy a blood-glucose monitor to be more hands-on in the testing
process. These devices require a small sample of blood to determine if
your sugar levels are within control or not.
20. Regular Consultation
An ailment like diabetes requires
constant check-up. Careful diagnosis keeps blood-sugar within the
optimum levels. Since monthly check-ups and blood tests will determine
the appropriate dosage to cure one of diabetes, setting up regular
consultations with your doctor will be the best option to resort to.
21. Sleep Well
A good night’s sleep is as essential for
proper health, as food or exercise. Studies have shown that adults
sleeping for 7-8 hours every night have experienced lesser chances of
contracting diabetes in the long run, than those who sleep for fewer
hours. The science behind it claims that sleep calms the brain and
facilitates the normal hormone secretion. Lack of sleep upsets the
normal hormonal balance.
22. Avoid Salt
Moderate salt intake is the key factor
in controlling diabetes. Salt is responsible for tempering the osmotic
balance of the body, which when upset, tends to give rise to various
hormonal anomalies. Its ability to hinder insulin production tends to
aggravate risks of Type-2 diabetes.
23. Take Care of Bruises
In diabetes, the immune system of the
body is rendered weak, which means that minor injuries don’t tend to
heal easily. Thus, unexplained cuts and bruises are primary physical
signs of high blood-sugar levels.
24. Drink Water
Water tends to mobilize the high
sugar content in blood and thereby helps in preventing aggravation.
Drinking 2.5 litres of water, on a daily basis, will not only regulate
physical functions but will also lower chances of cardiovascular and
diabetic ailments.
25. Lean Meat
Lean meats are great substitutes for
non-vegetarians under diabetes risk. The high protein content is
essential to sustain physical well-being, since fats and
high-carbohydrate diets are out of the question.
26. More Calcium
Consuming optimum amounts of calcium,
whether in supplement form or in diet, can reduce chances of contracting
diabetes. Studies have shown that people consuming 500 mg in supplement
form have experienced 25% less chances of developing Type-2 diabetes.
27. Vinegar
Vinegar is an excellent dietary compound
responsible for diluting concentrated sugar-levels in the blood.
Studies have shown that two spoonfuls of vinegar before a meal can
reduce the glucose influx.
28. Soy
Soy proteins are one of the miracle
cures for reducing diabetes among crucial patients. The isoflavones
contained in them reduce the sugar content in blood and keep the body
nourished, while accumulating much fewer calories, when compared to
other foods.
29. Skip Aerated Drinks
Colas and other aerated beverages are
replete with excessively high sugar content, which is detrimental to the
existing blood-sugar levels. Its sugar content is also a rampant source
of empty calories, which hinders the physical ability to assimilate
30. Sunlight
Studies have shown that moderate
exposure to sunlight boosts the physical synthesis of vitamin D, which
is essential for doing away with insulin resistance in the body. Lack of
Vitamin D results in low insulin production. While soaking up the sun
might sound like an excellent yet easy remedy, to reduce diabetes
levels, one must pay attention not to overexpose themselves to avoid
risks of skin cancer.
Diabetes is completely manageable, if
handled with dedication and care. By following the above-mentioned
steps, one can steer clear of the harmful effects of diabetes.