12 Things Killer Employees Do Before Noon
1. They make a work to-do list the day
before. Many swear by having a written to-do list, but not everyone
agrees on when you need to compose it. According to Andrew Jensen, a
business efficiency consultant with Sozo Firm in Shrewsbury, Pa., the
opportune time to plan a day’s tasks is the night before. “Some people
like to do the to-do schedule in the morning, but then they might have
already lost office time writing it out,” he says. “It helps to do that
to-do schedule the night before. It also will help you sleep better.”
2. They get a full night’s rest.
Speaking of sleeping better … lack of sleep affects your concentration
level, and therefore, your productivity. Whatever your gold standard is
for a “good night’s rest,” strive to meet it every work night. Most
health experts advise getting a minimum eight hours of shut-eye each
3. They avoid hitting snooze.
Petitioning for nine more minutes, then nine more, then another nine is a
slippery slope that leads to falling back asleep and falling behind on
your morning prep. Ultimately it also leads to lateness. “Anyone can be
made into a morning person,” Jensen says. “Anyone can make morning their
most productive time. It could be that for the entire week, you set
your alarm clock a little bit earlier, and you get out of bed on the
first alarm. It may be a pain at first, but eventually you’ll get to the
point where you’re getting your seven to eight hours of sleep at night,
you’re waking up with all your energy, and accomplishing the things
around the house you need to before going to the office.”
4. They exercise. Schedule your Pilates
class for the a.m. instead of after work. “Exercise improves mood and
energy levels,” Jensen says. Not only that, but “there have been studies
done on employees who’ve exercised before work or during the work day.
Those employees have been found to have better time-management skills,
and an improved mental sharpness. … Those same studies found these
workers are more patient with their peers.”
5. They practice a morning ritual.
Jensen also recommends instituting a morning routine aside from your
exercise routine. Whether you opt to meditate, read the newspaper, or
surf the Web, Jensen says “it’s important to have that quiet time with
just you.”
6. They eat breakfast. Food provides the
fuel you’ll need to concentrate, and breakfast is particularly
important since it recharges you after you’ve fasted all night. Try
munching on something light and healthy in the morning, and avoid
processed carbs that could zap your energy.
7. They arrive at the office on time.
This one is obvious, right? Getting a full night’s rest and keeping your
sticky fingers off the snooze button should make No. 7 a cakewalk. If
you’re not a new employee, then you’ve already figured out the length of
your average commute. Allot a safe amount of time to make it to work on
8. They check in with their boss and/or
employees. We all know the cliche about the whole only being as good as
the sum of its parts. In other words, if your closest work associates
aren’t productive, then neither are you. Good workers set priorities
that align with their company’s goals, and they’re transparent about
their progress.
9. They tackle the big projects first.
You can dive right into work upon arriving in the office, since you made
your to-do list the night before. And Jensen suggests starting with the
hardest tasks. “Don’t jump into meaningless projects when you’re at
your mental peak for the day,” he says.
10. They avoid morning meetings. If you
have any say on meeting times, schedule them in the afternoon. “You
should use your prime skills during the prime time of the day. I believe
that mornings are the most productive time,” Jensen says, also noting
that an employer who schedules morning meetings could rob his or her
employees of their peak performance, and ultimately cost the company.
The exception to this, he adds, is if your meeting is the most important
task of the day. “Sometimes you have to schedule a crucial meeting, or a
client meeting, in which case you’d want to plan for a time when
employees are at their peak.”
11. They allot time for following up on
messages. Discern between mindless email/voicemail checking and
conducting important business. Jensen’s company, Sozo Firm, advises
clients that checking their inbox every couple of minutes takes time
away from important tasks. Instead, set a schedule to check and respond
to email in increments. Consider doing so at the top of each hour, to
ensure that clients and colleagues receive prompt responses from you.
12. They take a mid-morning break. Get
up and stretch your legs. Or stay seated and indulge in a little
Internet surfing. According to Jensen, it’s actually good to zone out on
Facebook and Twitter or send a personal text message or two. “You
should take 10-minute breaks occasionally,” he says. “Companies that ban
any kind of Facebook [use], texting, or personal calls can find it will
be detrimental. Those practices increase employee satisfaction.” Just
be sure not to abuse the privilege. “The best employees will respect
their employer’s time, and the worst-performing employees will find a
way to waste time even if the company forbids personal Internet use,”
Jensen explains.