
Friendship is a rare jewel that shines
Only when u give it a sunny smile
Friendship is a lock that opens
Only when u unlock ur true self to it
Friendship is a song which is sung
Only when u know its rhythm
Friendship is a dream which comes true
Only when u believe in it
Friendship is a sun which rises
Only when ur heart has set on it
Friendship is a throne,on which u can sit,
Only when u share ur kingdom with it
Friendship is a path,which u will find,
Only when u know u are lost
Friendship is a hand that holds urs
Only when u extend urs
Friendship is an album of reminiscences which u can leaf through
Only when u cherish it
Friendship is a lamp which lights
Only when u know it will assuage ur heart
Friendship is a lantern which glows
Only when u need the warmth of it
Friendship is a language which u speak
Only when u know the meaning of it
Friendship is a potpourri of feelings which u can smell
Only when u have a true friend!:)
and i have a true frnd “That’s U” :P
